Hidden Gems Foundation Programme
Welcome to the Virtues Club!
These community based childrens classes are organised along the belief that each one of us is born with a tremendous inner potential and that with the right kind of assistance we can develop our positive natural qualities in the same way that rough stones can become highly polished and valuable gems.
In order to prove this to ourselves, to parents who may be interested in allowing their children to join such a programme and more importantly to the children themselves we are offering classes in partnership with parents and our funding agencies, free of charge and all year round.
Stage 1 Classes will offer the opportunity for children between the ages of 5-7 years old to receive an out of school 'virtues' based training and together with the parent's assistance, at home, the day-to-day tools that your child will begin to develop (to address their spiritual needs) will slowly start to bring out the best in each and every member of the virtues club.
Sample Programme:
Each week students will be introduced to a new virtue or “gem” through…
• A treasure chest
• A book holder
• Classroom “VOWS”
• On-going local service project involvement
• inspirational words from different religions and philosophies
• storytelling books read in class
• artwork
• songs
• teachable moments and drama/role-play
• service project tasks
…and will receive:
• A Virtue Booklet for each new virtue with a quote from a different religion on the front cover pertaining to that virtue (Virtue Booklets are collected and stored in the booklet holder received at the first class attended and may be left at home.)
• A Weekly Virtue Activities Calendar to help you create teachable moments on a daily basis (These activities are simply suggestions and you are free to add or modify the activities to adapt them to your needs. The important thing is to put some time aside each day to reinforce the virtue.)
Note: Please ensure that you read the DEAR PARENTS letter on the first page of the Virtue Booklet to see how you and your child can utilize and get the most out of the booklet, calendar and in fact the entire prgramme.
• A Virtue Giftlet which is a small gift that serves as a concrete reminder of the virtue (Giftlets are collected and stored in the provided treasure chest received at the first class attended and may be left at home.)
Encourage the special care of these “gems” so that they can be shared with family and friends.
• Colouring and/or activity sheets
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